Online Therapy for Adults in North Carolina

— Guiding Adults Towards Healing and Positive Change

It's time to start your journey towards healing

My work focuses on helping young and middle-aged adults who are struggling with overthinking, feeling inadequate, and disconnected stop the negative beliefs and self-doubt.

Like many of my clients, you may have found yourself on a path of uncertainties and are looking for ways to heal from your wounds, trauma, or life experiences. Maybe you’re feeling stuck in a vicious cycle of “what if’s”, trying to predict the future, and playing out different scenarios in your head. It’s been a challenge to allow yourself to relax and just enjoy the moment because your mind feels like it’s racing. Overthinking is causing you to feel like your life is being controlled by anxiety and negative emotions

Perhaps autopilot has taken over. You wake up every morning feeling tired before the day has even started. But you get out of bed anyway with no desire, no energy or motivation to do no more or no less than what needs to be done just to get through your day. Maybe there’s this sense of heaviness that surrounds you and everything seems impossible to deal with. Even the smallest decisions have you feeling overwhelmed and second guessing yourself.   

Maybe recent distressing events in your life are reminding you of your childhood, of the times that you’ve blocked out because they weren’t happy memories. Memories of when you felt alone as a child, unloved as a child, unheard, unseen, made to believe that you are incapable.

You may have a hard time trusting others and getting too close to people because historically, this has resulted in an abusive or negative outcome. You make an effort to stay connected with others, but find yourself feeling disconnected from those you care about. Any time something goes wrong in your relationships, you blame yourself and feel unworthy of happiness and/or love. When you do feel happy, it never lasts long because the feelings of hopelessness start creeping back up again.

You have been trying to make sense of the things that have gone wrong but your inner critic blames you. The repeating upsetting images, thoughts, and emotions leave you feeling tired and frustrated. If only, there was a way to turn them off. 

This isn’t something that you can just shake off and have started noticing that it’s affecting your enjoyment in life, your relationships, and performance at work.


Like my clients, you deserve to feel connected and balanced and start healing to where things feel manageable again. I’m here to help.

Find Your Way Through The Tough Stuff

Therapy can help you get your life back on track and leave the past in the past so that you can start connecting and have meaningful relationships, energy, motivation, and move towards healing to focus on yourself.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy for those who have time to come in for a weekly or bi-weekly session.

Adjunctive EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy for those who have a primary therapist wanting to accelerate progress by resolving stuck points and enrich their ongoing work together.